Chandler's Grove
Methodist Church

2535 Blaine Road
We Invite you to Join Us for Worship​
Every Sunday Morning at 10:30am​
New London, NC 28127
at Badin Lake​
About Us​
Welcome to Chandler's Grove Methodist Church, nestled in the Badin Lake community. Here at Chandler’s Grove we don’t consider anyone a visitor, and everyone is welcome to join us for worship on Sunday morning and Bible study on Wednesday evenings. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ who worship and share together.
We invite you to join us anytime.
Chandler's Grove Global Methodist Church
2535 Blaine Road
New London, NC 28127
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Luke 10:27 tells us "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."
The gift of God's grace is given freely to us all through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross. We who desire to be Christians must believe, receive, and follow the risen Lord as His disciples. We are to love God with all our whole beings. We are to become servants and bare witness to the grace, mercy, and love of Christ in this world. We should reach out in concern and service to the marginalizes, poor, and least of these, as we share the good news of Christ's love and salvation to all.
Come join us at Chandler's Grove Global Methodist Church in service to our Lord and Savior.
Chandler’s Grove UMC