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Matthew 28:18-19 tells us, ​​


"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;

We are blessed with a congregation who has a desire to serve and reach out to others within our community and beyond.
As a result the ministries of Chandler's Grove continues to grow and flourish blessing both those who are ministering and those receiving the ministry.

Bus Ministry

Ladies of Chandler's
Grove Fellowship

Prayer Chain

Chandler's Grove  Facebook Page

Men's Fellowship

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Prayerful Needlers 
Prayer Shawl Ministry

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 Chandler's Grove Community Table -
Drive-thru meals
Son-Shine Mission
Kids Ministry

Sermons on the Web

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Chandler's Grove Community Food Pantry

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